
Created with Sketch.

Virtual puppet

A patch that allows children to draw their own characters and animate them!

AM Artist won first round!

Simone “Simplo” Murtas from AM Artist won the first round of the  Interactive and Immersive Championship!

Qtter beta 0.1

  Extracts parts of a paper sheet and convert them in cropped images.

“Un amico a Babele” (a friend in Babylon)

Music and animation on the words of Sergio Atzeni read by Giacomo Casti. This project was born from an idea of ​​Giacomo, concluded on the occasion of the Corona Virus quarantine days.

I° Interactive and Immersive Championship

Saturday 11 July (from 6 to 10 pm) and Saturday 25 (at the same times) Simone, from AM Artist, will participate in the first Interactive and Immersive Championship dedicated to multimedia arts.

25 Aprile: covid quarantine

Wanting at all costs to celebrate April 25 as Liberation Day, in general, and not being able to go out on the street or screen in public, we decided to make do at home. To recall the idea of ​​Freedom, in a particularly oppressive situation like this, we wanted to recreate a video mapping in…
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Everyone at home, everyone indoors, but this doesn’t mean that creativity has to stop. So, let’s open the window, place the projector and try to give some color to these days.


Graphics generated in real time that accompany the live musical journey, using motion sensors, sound analysis and the projection system on a holographic sheet.

“Poesia Aumentada” (augmented poetry)

Interactive generative graphics projected on holographic cloth. Animations on the texts allowed the audience to follow the metrics and logic of the structural construction of the poem, while abstract animations, based on the reaction to the sound and images of the actors themselves, underlined and accompanied the evolution of music and verses.

The painting computer

Trying to persuade the computer to become a painter and invent a new artistic current. But maybe, he can only copy?